Your soul knows…

Life is giving us invitations all day long. And each invitation is 100% working in our favour if we choose to accept it and act on it. An invitation can be the nudge to smile and say hello to the person walking past you on the street, or to pay for someone’s coffee, or to write that poem or cook that recipe, or have a conversation with that employee, or research that idea.

Today, The Invitation is for you to pause, take two minutes (or more… whatever you want), and listen for what is inviting you into a deeper connection to the world around you or within in.

For many, it helps to write it down or speak it out loud. I welcome you to click reply to this email and share what your invitation is or share it with someone close to you. Choose whatever feels most true and supportive.

This is one of my favourite Mary Oliver poems. On the topic of stepping into the invitations given to you today, I share it with you.

Journal Prompts

  1. What in my world today might be drawing me closer to my Self in a good way? And how might I lean more into that?

  2. What question have I been most afraid to ask myself? What might be the first step in exploring this question?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



Time to get clean…


My Story is Published! Now on AMAZON