Time to get clean…

The water and I have been on an amazing journey these past 5 months. I have been initiated into the water healing modality of Watsu and Water Dance. The sessions I have offered so far on my journey have been ineffable. The water is my home, and bringing people into the healing waters has become one of my greatest privileges.

When the water heals, everything around it and within it heals and thrives. Water holds memory and emotion, and is the womb in which we came from and that we are still carried in. When we are taken back into the waters, and held in the journey... the experience is transformational and almost not of this world.

I don’t remember the baptism I had when I was baby, so I can’t tell you if it was out of this world. I imagine people who have been baptized as adults, might have felt it was. I was recently listening to a book speaking about John the Baptist and how baptism wasn’t something he took someone through just once in their life, it was part of a regular ritual. The origin of baptism was a ritual immersion that was not about hygiene or cleanliness but rather one of purity. As humans, we are good at the ritual of keeping our bodies clean on the outside (brushing teeth and hair, showering, etc.), we are likely moderate at keeping our bodies healthy on the inside (drinking water, eating healthy, etc.), but many of us have not been raised or connected to a ritual that cleanses and purifies our spirit and soul.

Today’s Invitation is to check in, connect to, or take the first step to explore the ritual in your life that intentionally cleanses and purifies your spirit and soul. Wherever you are in this journey, what ritual might your spirit or soul most be asking for right now? I invite you to step into it this week.

We will all be called to different ceremonies or rituals that support in cleansing and purifying our soul and spirit. For me…water, specifically immersion into it, is the most powerful. And, over the past 5 months, I have been reminded that this ritual is one I am and many others are invited to enter into regularly, a baptism of sorts that we get to enter into again and again as part of our natural rhythm of life.

If you are feeling called to the water, or have any questions about this work or the rituals, let's connect.

I met the amazing and inspiring Rhonda Grant, author, podcast host, and CEO at an event at Harvard we were both speaking at. She has had 3 near death experiences and her connection to the seen and unseen world offers a presence, grace and understanding of this world that is so rich.

We talk about Love in Leadership and the power of nurturing the spirit of your people and the business as a whole and how that elevates creativity, and creates access to and expression of pure potentiality.

You can listen to the episode here:

Journal Prompts

  1. What rituals do I currently have in my life that I might not have considered to be rituals?

  2. How might I describe my current relationship with my soul or spirit? What does this mean to me? What about this relationship is or might be important to me?

  3. How might my soul or spirit express itself more freely today, even in the smallest of ways?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



I've changed...


Your soul knows…