
The Love, Yeg Show - Coping with Corona, and navigate through uncertainty.

The Third Way Podcast - We discuss the rise of conscious leadership in business and the impact of non-dualism to mid-wife in the new era of business built on love, wisdom and community,

Guest Blog Interview - How conscious leadership coaching could change your life and your business

Global Institute for Evolutionary Women - Entrepreneur Awards

Being Enough Podcast - On conversation with Conscious Wealth leader and author. We spoke about money as energy and the joy the sharing of it can provide.

The Soulful Sunday Podcast - Our Mother Tongue. How is your destiny written in your mother tongue? Listen to the unwinding of the deepest truths around connection, and follow the clues on the path to your own destiny.

“Over my 20 years of working with facilitators in both YPO and EO forums, Julianna has been the best facilitator I’ve ever experienced. Her disarming, real and wise presence brought a depth of learning and connection for our group as individuals and as a whole. She creates total safety and trust in a room, and an experiential style to her facilitating that integrates the learning and achieves lasting outcomes. I have hired her multiple times to work with our YPO group and my organization.”

— Glori Meldrum,
Founder of Little Warriors, CEO g[squared]

Connect. Step Into Your Light