I've changed...

I walked into the beautifully curated boutique store by my house and let out an audible “I get it” laugh when I read the above quote on a tea towel.

We can know ourselves in one moment, and then experience something that totally shifts our perspective and brings us into a new way of seeing. Visibly things look the same, but our meaning and understanding are different. It’s so Divinely awesome. And, can be confusing and met with resistance as well.

Often we don’t get to experience the treasure of newness because we hold ourselves and others to a past story. We anchor them to the perspective they had in the morning, rather than make room for the awareness they discovered in the afternoon and carried home as a gift for dinner. We are blind to the new because of our attachment to the old, staying stagnant in a cycle devoid of growth and connection.

A free and loving reality needs us to meet each moment with beginningness. When I am in conversation with another and I can meet each of their words with beginningness, I give not only them, but also myself the chance to change, to grow, to transform by the end of our time together.

It’s radical, but it is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and others.

Today’s Invitation: Turn up your beginningness in each moment you experience today. And meet the people in your life today as new, over and over again.

I am so excited to share another podcast interview with an amazing powerhouse women leader. Roxanne Derhodge Consulting invited me on her show after we met in a Consciousness Leaders members call. We talk about what conscious leadership is, the work of making Love the language of business, and how connection to our spirit and the spirit of the company is the access point to activating pure potential in the people, purpose and profits. We had so much fun in this interview Roxanne turned into a two part episode.

You can listen or watch Part 1 now!

Journal Prompts

  1. What does beginningness mean to me?

  2. How might beginningness play a role in or impact my life?

  3. Where do I most desire to be seen with newness? And how might this support me?

  4. What practices might support me to experience or maintain a state of beginning-ness?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



A brand new moment...


Time to get clean…