Where do we go now?

Since being banned (four weeks ago) for no just cause from the Metaverse platforms (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp), alot of questions and conversations have come to surface.

This week I was making plans to meet a colleague for lunch to share an inspired conversation about possible ideas for a future TED talk. When thinking of where we would meet, I considered what would best support the nature of our meeting. The space needs to have privacy, quick and good service, a warm and fun atmosphere, and I need to trust the place will have its' doors open or not kick us out half-way through our meeting. This same level (or more) of thought and care is considered whether meeting with 1 or a 1000 people. It matters that the people and company hosting me in their space are invested in my experience. If something goes off, the owners of the space support and take care of those they are hosting.

The online, social media, space doesn’t seem to have the same level of care. And my current experience has made that very clear. Yet most of the conscious communities I connect with require me to be on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date and engaged with them.

The challenge I have been feeling in all of this is that Facebook and the Metaverse platforms calibrate extremely low on the Hawkins scale of consciousness - between 27 to 40 (the level of shame and guilt), yet we are asking people to play in these low consciousness spaces to create high consciousness transformation. I think a lot of good has come from communities built in these spaces, but at what cost, and where is the transition to something even more integral and aligned?

I’ve become very curious about what other options we have as a conscious community for where and how we choose to gather online. I don’t have an answer yet for what this looks like on a larger scale, but it woke me up a bit, and has me asking questions I hope might lead to better outcomes.

Today’s Invitation is one of possibility. I Invite you to contemplate this question with me:

“What might be possible if we begin to take the same care and attention in choosing online gathering places for conversations, community building, events and ceremonies as we do in choosing in-person gathering places?”

I would love to hear your thoughts. And, if this conversation arose something in you and you find yourself curious and asking questions, please reach out to me.

The wisdom of the circle holds the answers.
Together we rise.

Thank you for sharing in today’s INVITATION with me.

NOTECircle is a platform I came across this week that Devi Adea from the Spiritual Entrepreneur podcast uses. I'm looking forward to learning more about it.

Journal Prompts

Online gathering spaces

  1. What are the online spaces I trust to host my conversations, communities, events?

  2. What do I really feel and believe about social media? How might I take actions that align with that? What are the many possible options available to me?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



I Missed My Exit...


I've been banned....