I've been banned....

I’ve been banned.

Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp have all banned and potentially permanently deleted my accounts. I am in a curious position. I feel instantly cut off from something that, admittedly, has developed into an unconscious, addictive scrolling habit. I also feel energized and grateful. Without warning or choice, this distractor and time sucker is gone and I’m not missing the checking, consuming, and comparing. What I am missing, however, is the connection with some friends who, for the most part, I was only connected with through these platforms.

Then, this week, with having much less noise in my world, I realized I already had my practice of scrolling. I call it Soul Scrolling. I messaged and reached out to the people who came into my awareness, who came to my heart, and who I felt the nudge to call, text, or send physical mail to. The flow from each of those has been Divine and expansive. And what is even more awesome, is this week I have also received a few unexpected messages from people I haven’t seen in a while with an invitation to connect.

I'm reminded of the words and teaching of the great mystic Julian of Norwich “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well."

Nothing is missing or missed.

The Invitation to you today: Scroll your Soul not your social.

Your inner guidance system already knows. Play with it. Trust it. Act on it.

This two-part interview with Liz Gilbert on a new podcast called Quitted was so divinely timed.

They talk about social media and their experience with quitting it or realigning their relationship with the medium.

Liz also talks about her experience and insight on the difference between quitting vs. surrendering and when to choose each one.

Journal Prompts

Soul Scrolling

1. Who am I feeling a nudge to connect with? (i.e. they keep coming to mind, or I have been saying “I’m going to call them”)

2. What holds me back from acting on these nudges?

3. How might I shorten the gap between thought and action?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



Where do we go now?


What can I do?