It's already here...
“Where your attention goes your energy flows.” This message was shared, talked about and demonstrated in so many different ways at the Dr. Joe Dispenza week-long advance retreat I attended two weeks ago. In those 7 days I witnessed people stand up and walk out of wheelchairs, get their hearing back, improve recovery from a stroke, and so much more.
We are spiritual beings living this human experience. Our ability to elevate our relationship with our energy, our emotions, our being (the unseen), directly affects the physical experiences of our lives (the seen). A dear friend of mine said it best when we were on a call the other day. While joyfully sharing what we are currently creating and ideas we have for new possibilities and opportunities, she said “you know my only job is to manage my frequency.” YES!
We are like a radio dial, if you are caught between channels, all you get is static. When we bring the emotions, traumas, stories, memories of the past into the frequency of our present moments we are inhibiting ourselves from creating a new future reality. Instead of achieving our desires, we continue to experience repeat patterns and situations in our lives. When we change our energy we change our reality. Sometimes it can be instant, other times it takes a while. Either way, it's worth it.
Today’s Invitation: Connect into the frequency of the desired state/emotion you want to be experiencing. Rest there, bath in that frequency, make a note of it, and return to it over and over and over again. Set a timer and spend 2 minutes there, or put down your phone, close your computer and spend 20 minutes or 2 hours. Whatever your soul seeks! We create the future by living in the frequency of the future in this now moment.
Fresh off my week-long retreat, I am thrilled to share I will be speaking at the SoulFull Revolution Summit on Dec 8th at 11am MST. Some of my favourite people will be sharing their wisdom at this inspiring event! The guides, coaches, shamans, entrepreneurs, healers and wayshowers speaking at this event will share their medicine and teachings that supported them to heal and elevate their lives and will guide us all on a journey to release the past so we can journey fully into the future whole, healed and connected to our best Self.
I hope you will join me!
Reserve your FREE spot or purchase your $47 VIP ticket (the free gifts with the VIP are worth $$$!)
For more details on speakers or topics visit SoulFull Revolution Webpage for more details
Journal Prompts
1. What beliefs are you holding onto from the past that do not align with the future you are creating and the person you are becoming?
2. If you knew your potential was limitless what do you do and how would you feel?
3. What emotions have you been feeling more often than not in this past week? How might you change, sustain, or elevate those emotion to an even greater, limitless, expanded version of you?
Workshops / Speaking / Consulting