One of the best questions I've been asked...

"Everywhere my feet are, I hold with sacred energy.” I wrote this in my journal a couple years ago and came across it again this week. The timing was on point given that this week I am attending Dr. Joe Dispenza's 7-day advance retreat in Orlando that is all about mastering energy and frequency. What I was writing about was that I am responsible for the energy I bring to every space I am in. And, when I hold the space with an energy that is limitless, expansive and free, everything in that space has the potential to benefit.

The energy we bring into a space creates the reality we perceive and experience. This is why two people can be in the same meeting or event and have two completely different experiences.

A primary belief that cuts many of us off from accessing this limitless energy is the belief that "I'm not enough." This underlying belief has us striving to earn love, prove our worth, and affirm our value. One of the best questions I was asked by a coach as it relates to value and worth was, "when you are all alone, and nobody is around to see or hear you, where is your value and worth then?" This question felt uncomfortable, yet settling at the same time.

When I ask this question to myself, I always get the same answer. "I am born worthy, valued and loved." We all are. Every single person matters.

What I've learned is, when we stop striving for that which we already are, we can start BEING it. And, the energy spent on striving to earn love or prove worth is now channelled into BEING LOVE and LIVING YOUR WORTH.

Today's Invitation: On this day, take full responsibility for the energy you bring into the spaces you are in. Notice where you might be striving to prove or earn love, value or worth, and choose to shift into Being.

I love this poem "Sometimes" by David Whyte.
As we enter into a new season, it invites us into thought provoking questions about questions.

if you move carefully
through the forest
like the ones
in the old stories
who could cross
a shimmering bed of dry leaves
without a sound,
you come
to a place
whose only task
is to trouble you
with tiny
but frightening requests
conceived out of nowhere
but in this place
beginning to lead everywhere.
Requests to stop what
you are doing right now,
to stop what you
are becoming
while you do it,
that can make
or unmake
a life,
that have patiently
waited for you,
that have no right
to go away.

Journal Prompts

  1. What are the questions I am most afraid to ask?

  2. What is my relationship to the space my feet are in right now?

  3. How might I be more limitlessness and expansive in the space where I stand now?

  4. What am I striving for in my life right now? What would it feel like to Be and live that which I am striving for?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



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