I made it to Harvard....

As I write this, I am flying on my way to Boston to speak at an event taking place at Harvard Graduate School of Education . I left my house before sunrise for a 6am take off. Pressed back against my seat by nature's force as I ascended high above the earth, I saw the pink horizon in the distance. And then the plane rattled a bit as we pushed through the clouds, and with an almost blinding power and welcomed warmth, the sun beamed through the small airplane window and shone over my face and seeped into my soul. I gently closed my eyes, breathed and took it all in.

In the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, the first law is is the Law of Pure Potentiality. It states that our essence is one of pure potentiality, a field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. And that there is no separation between the field of energy the sun brings and our spiritual essence (our light!). What a radical and awesome thought to contemplate and receive as truth.

I have never been to Harvard. And, when I mentioned I was going to friends who had been there, a lightness and energy moved through them as they expressed how much they loved the campus and described some of the qualities about it. They were moved, even with just the thought of being there. What I felt from them was a bit like the feeling of the sun on my face. They radiated that light for a moment. Without having been there yet, my sense is Harvard breathes a spirit of pure potentially and connects many to the essence within them of all possibilities and infinite creativity. But we don’t need to go to Harvard to access this, most people don’t. You hold the key to access it now.

Today’s Invitation is to Re-Member yourself as the essence of pure potentially that you are. Take yourself there in any way you desire and just bathe in it like you are bathing in the sun. Unlike the sun, this kind of spirit bath won’t burn you, but it might boost you and move you. And if it does, stand up on that board and ride the wave!

In the spirit of Harvard, this is an inspiring article by Harvard Business Review

on how the experience of “felt love” has proven to help employees perform better.

Journal Prompts

  1. What experiences in the past have played a role in how I have accessed and expressed my pure potentiality?

  2. What lights me up?

  3. Where in my life right now could I create, or say yes to, opportunities that might access my pure potentially and light me up?

  4. Color, paint, draw, write - Using any medium you desire to communicate that feeling you have when you imagine the idea of, or experience yourself in the expression of your pure potentiality.

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



If you could only give one….


In a breath...