They speak without words...
In the book The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho writes:
“There is a language that is beyond words. If I can learn to decipher that language without words, I will be able to decipher the world.”
Are you ready to learn? I invite you to pause for 10 seconds. Close your eyes or soften your gaze and listen. What do you hear? The fan of your computer? Traffic, birds, voices?
Sitting at my kitchen table, I can faintly hear the vibrant laughter and chatter coming from children playing in the nearby schoolyard. Amidst my thoughts and writing, I paused to take in their sound of joy, play, and freedom. Fifteen minutes later, the schoolyard was quiet. A few minutes pass and I hear the birds calling to one another. Their clear dialogue plays as a subtle symphony of the abundance of life in the background for me.
No words were heard, but so much was spoken and given in this moment of listening. What are the sounds you heard offering you in this moment?
Masterful listening is at the centre of loving and leading well. We must first receive (hear) before we can give (respond/speak). In this past month, many of my conversations and experiences, including a workshop I lead for a monthly series with a corporate client have been on this topic. In each experience, the key message has been about listening beyond what our ears hear and responding with more than our mouth speaks.
This practice of listening is so simple and effective in enhancing our listening that we often overlook it. Our workshops support leaders and teams to create consistency in their practices, elevate their listening, and activate the way of living and leading with love that brings significant benefits to your organization. Click here or on the button below to see our workshops.
Today's Invitation is to take a 10-second pause a few more times today. Notice all the sounds you hear. Notice all the ways the language without words is speaking to you within what you hear.
If you are curious to discover ways to support you and/or your team to up-level your listening, let's connect.
Experience the uplifting wisdom of Paulo Coelho as he delves into the art of deciphering the language of the world.
Tune in to his captivating words and discover a wealth of inspiration in this thought-provoking 2.5-minute interview clip.
Or click here to listen to the interview.
Oprah's Super Soul Conversations Podcasts
Paulo Coelho Part 1
What If the Universe Conspired in Your Favor?
Paulo Coelho Part 2
Your Journey of Self-Discovery
Journal Prompts
Where and/or when do I listen the most intently?
Where or with who do I not in listen well?
What belief might I need to change to become a better listener?
What could most support me to elevate my listening this week?