I had no idea of the impact....

"Everything we need is right where we are because it is where you are."

I shared this message on a call a few years back having no idea the impact it had on the person I was speaking with until not long ago when he called me to share how it changed everything for him.

I am grateful I listened and didn’t hold back from sharing it. The degree to which we can give to others in deep meaningful and maybe even life-changing ways is directly related to the degree we can listen beyond words and have the courage to speak or respond with intuitive sense.

The message I shared speaks to the abundance of the present moment. There is no other moment than this one. The first Spiritual Law of Success as shared by Deepak Chopra is The Law of Pure Potentiality. It’s all ours, right here right now. But how do we access it?

We Listen. Fully. Then follow and respond in alignment with what we receive.

In the previous Invitation, I spoke about listening to the language beyond words. But how do we really learn to do this?

We decide we want to, and then we surround ourselves with people, places, and practices that support us in accessing this level of listening more consistently. For me, the three areas in that support me to attune my ability to really listen and decipher the language beyond words are…

  1. Dance

  2. Nature

  3. Water (specifically WATSU®)

What I love is that each of them requires no words, they all involve noticing the subtlest change or movement, and they ask me to feel more than think. When I am consumed with thinking, I’m often not listening and the above three areas help me to get out of myself to better hear the world beyond me.

Today's Invitation

To open up your senses and play with the language beyond words. Take a moment to notice what acts as your teacher and supports you to learn to decipher this “language without words”, and engage with this space. Have fun with it. Let yourself be in wonder and awe for all that is received and given.

  1. Where in my life right now could benefit from me listening more beyond words?

  2. What are some fun ways I could play with my practice of listening beyond words?

  3. When I am listening on a deeper level, what is going on inside me?

Looking for more? Whenever you are ready there are three ways I can help you and your business…

  1. Book a Conscious Coaching Discovery Call by ​clicking here.​

  2. Schedule a call with me to learn about our Soft Skills Workshop Series and how to incorporate them into your company by ​clicking here.​

  3. Did you know I am available for speaking engagements? ​Click here to contact me today about speaking to your company or at your event.


Their answers suprised us all...


They speak without words...