Rest = Results
This past weekend in conversation with some friends, one of them shared about how after taking a few months off from training to let his body heal and recover, he randomly went to do a couple of chin-ups. To his surprise, he was able to do double what he could before taking time off.
We often think we need to keep pushing, grinding or hustling to achieve more success or higher performance. But often, it is the opposite. A key to accessing our full capacity is taking intentional rest. When we give space to something we create room for more ease and flow to occur which naturally creates increase.
Click below and hear me share the story.
Today’s Invitation is to look at the day and week ahead and consider where you can benefit from intentional rest.
Where are you pushing harder than you need and an intentional pause could prevent you from an unintentional break? Your Being (your divine nature) knows. And your Doing (your human nature) will thank you for listening and choosing wisely.
If you’re ready to find more harmony between your being and your doing and truly connect to this magic sweet spot of intentional rest to gain greater results for yourself or your team, let’s connect.
Journal Prompts
Where in my life am I needing to pull back to propel forward?
What part of me is asking for rest right now (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual)?
What are the many ways I could create small intention moments of rest in my day?
Did you know people in over 27 countries have experienced White Box Workshops? Once a month organizations choose a date for their global and/or local teams to come together for an inspiring hour. During this time they connect in shared learning and community practice on the skills that support them to be better team members, communicators, and humans.
People leave White Box Workshops saying they feel more inspired, empowered, engaged, motivated, peaceful, and grateful.
“I have not experienced a program quite like this before, it was innovative and gave practical applications for making positive changes.”
- Lena Andrew, Manager, Ontario
Sessions can be delivered virtually or in person - take a look at some of the workshops we offer. If what you are looking for isn't here, we can create it for you!