Be like water...

“Healing is the application of love to the areas that hurt.” - Christine Hassler, master coach and author

When I heard Christine share this on a podcast a few years ago, the chill of truth ran through me (i.e. goosebumps). It was a perfect description of what I believe about healing and love. Some might ask, “what is this love and how exactly do we apply it?” I don’t have this answer - for you. And, I know the answer is - in you.

Our experience and expression (or application) of love is both an individual experience and a collective one. You are the only one who can know how and where it is to flow. These next two quotes are ones I have come back to many times as a source of guidance.

“Love is like water, it always flows to the lowest place.” - Richard Rohr

​“Be like water” - Bruce Lee

Rohr and Lee re-mind us of loves' nature, purpose and power. We are conduits of love. All of us. We can aid the flow of love by opening to it and shift from our rational thinking minds into our intuitive and life-giving heart mind.

Bruce lee goes on to say, “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

To learn to access and apply this love I’m speaking about, we must let go of our fixed mindset, attachment and expectation to how we thought things “should” be. When we embody the element of water and the essence of who we are as love, we have the ability to become the expression, form, and force that each moment requires for the highest good and healing.

I share all of this with you after having spent over 40 hours in the water over 5 days as I achieved my certification in Watsu level 1 two weeks ago. Watsu is a water healing therapy for the body, mind, soul and spirit. My experience in and with the water both giving and receiving treatments re-minded me of this: Love is free. Love flows freely. We are ceaselessly invited to be one with Love. Love will do the work, we need only let it.

The Invitation today: Breathe. Release the story of how you thought anything should be and meet the moment that is. Empty your mind and shift into your heart. Let love and truth flow, no matter how strange, different, out of the ordinary, or totally common it might be.

Journal Prompts

  1. Where in my life am I experiencing or witnessing pain and/or hurt?

  2. Where are the areas I might be blocking the flow of love in my life? (giving or receiving)

  3. Describe the essence and/or qualities of love (or you might want to think of it as the energy or force of love)?

  4. Where and how might you apply your love today for healing?

Workshops / Speaking / Consulting



Empty your pockets...


I wasn't expecting this...