Connecting the Spirit of Who You Are to the Spirit of
What You Do
You Lead. I Guide.
This is your life, your business, your spirit. You ARE the leader of it, and still you find yourself questioning your next steps.
We all get to places were we feel disconnected from the essence of our life, business or spirit and want someone else to show us the way.
That’s where I come in.
As a Chief Spiritual Officer and Conscious Leadership Coach, I show you the way that is within you already. I work with individuals and organizations as a coach, learning and development facilitator, and keynote speaker to get you to where you really want to be. Together we illuminate and draw out the wisdom, knowledge, gifts and grit that live within you and your people to live fully in the alignment of to realize the soul’s expression and path for all.
Julianna Bootsman
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"The program is not only improving my performance, it is turning me into a better person. The program has been a 10/10”